Today, we complete the full metta practice. Divide however much time you have for your practice into five equal amounts. Set a bell using a meditation timer if you have one so that you know when each of these increments has passed. Take up your meditation posture and explore your open and loving heart-mind. Then, dedicate the allotted time to each of the categories in turn:
May I be safe and protected.
May I be peaceful.
May I live with kindness and with ease.
May I accept myself as I am.
Then, when the bell rings, turn your attention in your heart and mind to the beloved and dedicate the words and feelings to that being. Then, to the neutral person for the next period. Then, to the difficult person. And, during the final amount of time, dedicate the words and sentiments to all beings.
If it is easier for you, there are many guided metta or lovingkindness practices available online. One of my favorite resources for guided meditations and talks about the dharma is Dharmaseed. The talks are offered free of charge, though you are offered the opportunity to donate money to support the teachers.
Tomorrow, we will turn our attention to another of the four heavenly abodes, but I suggest that you continue to practice lovingkindness daily, even if just at the start and end of your day. I promise that it will bring you greater peace and ease. And with each person that it affects in this way, we work to create a more peaceful and easeful world for all beings. We manifest the sentiment behind the words with our daily practice.
May you be safe and protected.
May you be peaceful.
May you live with kindness and with ease.
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